Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We moved up a notch today on the adoption waiting list since a family accepted a referral of the most beautiful baby boy! It feels great to take this first step of movement, tiny though it may be.

We are so disappointed in Hurricane Ike's plans since Grandma & Grandpa were scheduled to come visit this weekend and now need to stay closer to home to keep animals safe and fix any damage he causes.

We are enjoying being back in a routine with preschool, mops & bible study. It makes me so much more productive to have to get up and get moving in the morning! Lucy enjoys school and is coming home with all kinds of information from "Did you know the dinosaurs are extinct?" to "We are learning about skeletons in science."

Natey is on a sleeping kick lately (no, i am not complaining about this) - must be having a growth spurt. It seems I am always having to wake him so we can go one place or another. Besides his bout of separation anxiety a.k.a permanently attached to my hip, he is happy & healthy & keeping us laughing!

Blessings abound....


Amy said...

Congrats on moving up!!

Fenwick 5 said...

Congrats on moving up.I remember back in July when we made our first move,it was exciting.They may be little steps,but each one brings us closer and closer. It is neat that you live in St.Louis,you are the closest adoptive family to us so far! Best Wishes Gidget

Julie & Patrick said...

Love to hear about movement even if it is just one notch at a time!

Julie R

Peter and Nancy said...

Hooray for a move in the right direction! I hope we hear of lots more referrals before the Indian holidays -- and more steps closer to seeing the face of your baby!
-- Nancy (Anya Rashi's mama from the Dillon forum)

Kristi W. said...

It's always nice to move up, even if it's only one spot! Hopefully you'll be at #1 in no time. :) Thanks for sharing your blog address on the Dillon forum. I look forward to following along on your journey!

Kristi W.

coffeegirl said...

Hey woops! Disregard the last comment, I didn't see that at the bottom of your page it had the months listed! HA! So now, I'm all caught up on September! Anywhhooo... forgive the blondeness, moving on now... I'm so glad you are down to 15! We'll keep praying!