Friday, February 22, 2008


We found out yesterday we are approved to proceed with the adoption so it is official! We are thinking the earliest we can welcome our baby boy home would be in 18 months but we know the timing is in God's hands and we are glad to leave it up to Him.

Our big hunka chunka application part 2 is in the mail to us and it should take quite some time for us to get this completed. Please pray for our diligence in doing what we need to do.

We do know that our child will be at least one year younger than Nate so he is definitely not born yet and also there is strong possibility that he will have special needs as most babies from his country are born premature due to the lack of quality medical care. Please pray for him as he is being knit together in his mother's womb.

Also, the reason most babies are placed for adoption in his country is due to the social stigma of single parenthood or the extreme poverty of a family. I can NOT imagine having to give up a child so I find myself praying for this woman out there who is struggling with this decision and most likely without the counsel of the one true God.

Finally, many of you have asked why we are pursuing adoption when we can have children of our own. Mark explains it way better than I do so here is some of what he wrote in our first application:

"We have been burdened, through the study of Scripture, about God’s heart for the nations, and thus care about presenting the gospel to those who have not heard it. To be able to have a spiritual impact on a child by raising him in the instruction of the Lord would be a blessing from God."

We praise Him for such an opportunity...

1 comment:

A.M. said...

This is what is so amazing to me: God has already provided a loving family for this child and he is not yet even conceived...what's the verse? "before I knit you in your mother's womb, I knew you" ??? something like that, anyway.