Friday, August 29, 2008


My brother sent me this article today regarding adoption and politics. I think it's great that adoption has become so popular even if done by less than ideal candidates (some Hollywood names come to mind) but like being 'green' it is "in" to adopt. Whatever. In the end, awareness is up, finanical help is becoming more & more available and most importantly, kids are finding families.

Here is an excerpt:

"If John McCain is looking for a way to shore up his support among evangelical voters, he might start talking about adoption. In 1993, the McCains adopted a daughter from Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh, and the senator has co-sponsored legislation to aid adoption, including measures that would provide tax credits for expenses and would remove barriers to interracial and interethnic adoption. But his efforts are rarely mentioned on the campaign trail at a time when adoption is a hot topic in the evangelical community."

You can read the whole thing by clicking here.


Amy said...

Great article! I think greater assistance to families in the adoption world is a wonderful thing!

Amy said...

That is great that there is so much diversity in your area. We have a very large community of Indian families here but I am not close friends with any of them. I will work on that too.