Tuesday, October 21, 2008

two weeks

i've always heard you should avoid talking about religion and politics with people so if you are one who agrees with that, then you may want to stop reading because you are likely to be offended. Sorry about that.

But in two weeks our country will face a milestone. And it truly does come down to one issue: life. Because if a person values life, then the rest of his policies, ideals, visions, and plans become more trustworthy. If a person values life - whether an unborn baby's or one who is mentally or physically challenged or even one who has lived decades and has gained more knowledge and wisdom and experience than most but may have trouble expressing himself due to the body's failings and limitations... This person will make his choices for the good of human life - ALL human life.

I don't agree with either candidate 100% but I know which one is more trustworthy.

There are some really good things to read that you may not have heard before at our friend's page: www.gloriousruin.wordpress.com


Fenwick 5 said...

I totally agree. Thanks for the important post.Gidget

Amy said...

So true! I agree.