Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Cole is 7 months old! So much closer to one and hopefully that much closer to joining our family! I had my first dream about going to pick him up (well the first one I remember the next day anyways) and I have had to battle hard not to let the pity party overtake me. (Many of my friends here had babies last summer so I am reminded often of what I am missing!) God's timing is best and I trust Him to watch over and protect Cole in the meantime.

I'm privileged to spend this day praying for a little girl I've never met, a family I will probably never know. But I believe in the power of prayer and so do they. Will you join us?

Pray for Abby.


ColleenC said...

Happy 7 months Cole!! Believe me I have also had days where I gave in to the self pity, but then last night I was thinking what a difficult transition our youngest might have and decided to try to cherish my last months with him as my youngest baby (and perhaps try to get our house in order too)! So I am at least trying to let go of some of the anxiousness (for today anyway- don't ask about tomorrow!!)

Amy said...

Happy 7 Months to Cole! I totally relate - Simeon will be 9 months old this month. Leaning on God for His timing is all you can do. Praying you have peace in the wait.

I am praying for Abby too!

Peter and Nancy said...

It's hard to miss those milestones . . . I'm hoping that you have him home before his first birthday, though, since he's so young. I prayed for Abby -- thanks for sharing her story.
-- Nancy

Douglass said...

we are praying for a quick and safe arrival of cole into your arms! so, so excited for you guys.