Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watch Cole Grow!

For Lucy & Nate's first year of life, I would take a picture each month on the date of their birth showing their growth and change. I was so happy when we got Cole's baby book that it had pages to do that for his first year at home since obviously his first year of life wasn't with us. So here is the Month One picture and stats:

16 lbs 6 oz
27 inches
Crawling, Pulling Up, Standing alone for a few seconds
No hair due to the everlasting lice issue

Also, he is eating better and on a great sleeping schedule - 2 naps a day, 2 hours each, 10-12 hours at night with no wakings! We haven't been out of the house too much and I'm okay with that (though I miss church desperately!).

We went to Children's Hospital yesterday here in St Louis where they have a monthly International Adoption Clinic. If you have something like that in your area, I highly recommend it. We were in one room and 3 out of 4 different doctors came to us to evaulate and screen Cole. (We had to go to an audiology lab for his hearing but that was no big deal since it was just upstairs!)

We're still waiting on lab results but overall things look good! And of course everyone that met him commented on his huge eyes.

So I hope to update with a new picture every month on the day we got him. This is a day late but you get the idea. :)


Julie & Patrick said...

He looks like a very happy and contented boy. What more could a momma ask for? :)

Julie R

Fenwick 5 said...

Such a cute boy with a beautiful smile. It is so great that he is sleeping well and I am sure it helps you all to get rest....Today is your day for the call,just maybe this will be the day!! Gidget

Amy said...

Great idea - Cole looks fantastic. I can't wait to see how he progresses - it really is amazing how much they learn and grow :)

jasonliberty said...

He has the sweetest smile, and how lucky are you to have that kind of sleeping pattern:-)
