Monday, July 27, 2009

Time for a break...

I'm going to take a little break from the blog world for a while - not that I post that often anyways! But it's become one more thing to "work" at, trying to think of something worthwhile to share and even more challenging, something that is positive.

I'm concluding our situation is unique in that Cole has been home 6 weeks and we're still struggling. Well, I'm still struggling. We did have a pretty good first post-placement visit though and were told it's "supposed" to get better!

Mark challenged me though with "What if it doesn't get better? What if this is how our life is from now on? How will you handle it? What will you do?" I can't wait it out, I've got to deal with it. So here goes!

Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the summer! I'm sure I'll post pictures of Lucy's first day of kindergarten which sadly, is only 3 weeks away. Sniff, sniff!


Shad and Maggie Alsworth said...

Best wishes! I hope everything turns itself around for you soon! You'll be in our prayers!!

Good luck in Kindergarten, Lucy!!

Email me if you need to vent!!


Amy said...

So sorry you have had it rough. We have had our own share of issues so you are not alone. We thought we had the sleep thing down and now some new issues are resurfacing. You never know what to expect really. Every child is different and God definitely knew your family has what it takes to raise Cole. I am sure you are doing the best you can - that is all you can do :) Hope you enjoy your break!

Fenwick 5 said...

Sara,Well I can't say I know what u are going thru,cause I don't know. I am sure that u are doing the very best that u can with Cole and the rest of the family. I don't blame u for taking a break. We all as moms need breaks from things and I am overdue for one I believe,I am here for you anytime,Your family is in our prayers. Gidget:)

Traci said...

I too will pray for your family. Thank you for sharing honestly about this journey. Take care - Traci

Jennifer Mayo said...

Hey friend,

Wise and practical husband, that Mark! I'll miss your posts, but I'm glad you are taking something off your plate. I'm sorry your struggling and I'll pray for things to all turn around or for you to "rise above the junk" - our pastor's sermon series right now...

Julie & Patrick said...

I don't know what struggling is in your case, but just remember our first 6 weeks with only one child in the house could be a challenge for sure. I can't imagine trying to juggle 3! Devi ended up with a broken wrist which only undid all the progress we had made in the sleeping department. It seemed that we were constantly trying to re-establish a routine for months!! The good news is our "normal" life did come and you will find your feet too! Wishing you all the best.

Julie R

Todd and Michele said...

Hang in there Maggie. Our first 6-8 weeks were tough!!! Sleep being the main factor or lack there of! It really does get better. Best of luck to your family. Just know we've all been there. Feel free to contact me should you need to.

Mommy to Dreyden (Debarpan)

jasonliberty said...

Praying for you and your family! Hoping things get better and you will be missed:-(


Amanda said...

The stress of adding a new one from adoption can be rough. You are still processing things from the trip as well too. It can be really busy when you first get home. I have discovered that it takes me 6 months to feel like I'm not tired all the time and to keep up with laundry and everything.
Just know that it gets easier, of course. Its just really different in the beginning when you have to play catch up. You missed the beginning of the responsibilities. It takes some time to catch up to taking care of a new little one. Just enjoy every day and revisit the Dillon forum if you need help.

Peter and Nancy said...

Please, please e-mail me if you'd like to talk with another mama who struggled! We had a few rough months of sleep problems, and I felt like I was losing my mind because of the fatigue. I talked to two Dillon moms on e-mail or the phone, and it helped a lot.

It is a huge switch to go from two to three kids, and have no newborn "grace" period when the baby can't move yet. You have my empathy, and I would love to support you in any way that would be helpful. My e-mail is

Hugs to you,