Saturday, June 6, 2009

First impressions

It's about 5 am here and Mark & I are getting ready to head to the airport for our in-country flight. So far we're doing okay with the jet lag and time change - we'll have the rest of today to relax and adjust before we get Cole on Monday!

The travels were such an experience and it was easy to forget why we were going through it all. But there was a sweet Indian family next to us on the plane with an adorable little boy and so I pressed on. :)

The flight from Chicago to Delhi was surreal. I've never flown on one of those huge planes and at first was excited over our own tv's and the chance to see some movies. But our seats were not together and it appeared that the gentleman next to Mark would not be willing to switch. So I almost lost it then. But he did and we were on our way. After a few hours I was so tired and shell-shocked that when they delivered our "meal" I almost cried again. Ewww. But thankfully I was able to somehow sleep on and off for about 6 hours and then the rest of the flight didn't seem so bad. Not trying to be negative about it all - just recording it accurately. :)

It was so interesting in the airport, to be the minority, to not know where to go, to not be able to communicate easily and to not know how to flush the toilet. :) We made it through all the lines and found our driver who was so nice and helpful. We got lost on our way to the hotel and though it was dark, we were able to get our first feel for India.

Much of it I was prepared for - complete ignoring of traffic lanes and all other driving rules, cattle & dogs in the road, children running through the streets. But it was still strange to be in the midst of it and to have such peace as well. I have a newfound respect for people who come to America and bravely face all the changes in culture and custom.

Our hotel here is very nice though different from what you'd expect in the US. I will try to post some pictures when we arrive in Kolkata this afternoon. I've been praying for Cole as this is his last day in the children's home. Our lives are all about to change!


The Labontes said...

Amazing that everything is coming together for you now! I cannot wait to see those first pics of Cole looking at his Mommy with those HUGE brown eyes! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

oh Sara I get teary eyed just reading about it!!Take it all in, make a note in your mind of every memory, what special days.We are all praying for all of you!I saw the kids today at the party and met your mother-in-law (what a sweet woman) the kids were doing well and had a great time.Nate just jumped right into all the games. They all played a huge game of duck duck goose and he ran every time someone else did, so cute. God bless and keep us posted if possible.

Jennifer Mayo said...

Hmmm... How can toilets be that different in another country!

I've been thinking about y'all for the last 2 days and telling all my friends what is going on. Can't wait to hear more!

Peter and Nancy said...

I love hearing that you're praying for Cole -- the fact that their little lives change dramatically is so true, and can get lost in the excitement. He is one blessed boy to have such a thoughtful mama. :o)

Enjoy every moment of looking and learning about Cole's birth country!
-- Nancy

Fenwick 5 said...

Sara,Sounds like all is going well.I think I will be shocked in the midst of it all too,so glad that you have peace about it all. I hope that you and your husband and Cole have a easy and great transition and I Can't wait to see pictures.:) Have a fun safe trip.Gidget, Still waiting on the call.

Shad and Maggie Alsworth said...
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Shad and Maggie Alsworth said...

Happy and safe travels today to Kolkata! You are almost with Cole!!! :) How very exciting it must be for you!

Prayers for you today!!

Jason Alligood said...

Just wanted to let you guys know we are praying for you!

Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

As I write this it is now early Monday morning in India. I wonder if you're already awake, looking forward with great excitement and anticipation to holding Cole for the first time. I'm praying for you all, that there will be an instant bonding and that Cole will realise immediately that you love him and that he will feel safe and secure with you. Can't wait to see that first photo of you with him :-) - Carrie