Sunday, June 14, 2009


Our last 24 hours in India were a rollercoaster. It began with a trip to the doctor's office to pick up Cole's medical papers for the embassy appointment. The doctor told us to come before 10 (since that was when our appt was) and we got there at 9. The lady there said the doctor wouldn't be in until 10:15 or 10:30 and told us to sit. About 20 minutes later, after we are quietly panicking and whispering about what to do, another lady comes and just hands us the envelope that was sitting on the counter. Whew - just in time.
Our embassy appointment was really easy. We had a scheduled appointment which got us through the lines quickly but there was still a lot of waiting. I think we got called up to the window 4 times before it was all done but everyone was very nice to us.
We had a late check out at the hotel for 2 pm but our flight wasn't until 12:15 am. I would definitely recommend just paying for the extra night at the hotel to avoid the major struggles we endured. We spent the afternoon doing a little sightseeing and then asked to go to Dilli Haat to shop. Pretty sure that is not where our driver took us since I was told it was a flea market type venue with lots of Indian items. We ended up at what seemed to be a strip mall with Levi's and other Western stores. Hmmm... We did find a few treasures and it was sooooo hot that we didn't stay long and thought we'd just head to the airport early.
Apparently you can not go in the airport before 3 1/2 hours of your flight. So we got dropped off at the visitor's lounge across the street where we had to wait almost 3 hours. It was a nightmare and I broke down and cried several times. Crowded, under construction, hard, plastic chairs and a screaming baby.
When we finally got into the airport, our airline informs us that Cole's ticket is scheduled for July 12th, not June. But they easily changed it since he is a lap child and also hooked us up with the bassinet.
Our stress levels were high at this point and we were hoping to breeze through the officer before going to the gate. Not so. Turns out the first two pages of our packet that we were supposed to give him were for a completely different child. We also didn't have an original copy of something because we gave it to the embassy. Mark was pulling out paper after paper - it was a huge mess - and Cole began to scream...again. We must have stood there for at least 20 minutes. The officer was nice but obviously thorough and finally found what he was looking for in our stack. So to those of you who are traveling soon - check your documents! We just took everything given to us and assumed perfection and then yikes!
And now here we are at home, adjusting. It has not been easy and I hope each day will get a little better, especially since Mark returns to work tomorrow and Grandma & Grandpa leave as well. Thankfully my parents are coming on Wednesday - hope we can survive until then!
On another note, today is Cole's first birthday! Pictures to come...


Anonymous said...

oh will be better especially once you are rested & Cole too...he has so many new experiences to learn & it will take some time but it will be so worth it, my dear. Cannot wait to get there...soon...soon...soon. xoxoxo Nan

Mary Ellen said...

Sara - We'll be praying for you to get settled and into a routine while getting used to US time again. What a hard last day you had in India - so sorry about that. I'm so glad you're home and will pray for an easier time of transition!! Thank goodness for moms!!!

Mary Ellen said...

Oh and Happy Birthday to Cole!!! That was your goal to have him home in your arms for his birthday! :)

ColleenC said...

Oh I feel for you, that last day is stressful (and all we kept thinking was all of this and then a 20 hour flight, ugh). I agree that it would be infinitely worth it to pay the extra hotel night. We ended up alright since she napped on a hotel lobby couch and we got to hang out at the travel agency (which had lovely A/C) and somehow got an awesome security guard who let us into the airport 4 hours early. But better to chill at the hotel till the last minute! I keep meaning to post about our adjustment home (ah the time flies) feel free to email me anytime maybe we can commiserate!!!

Staci said...


I'll bet you wanted to kiss the U.S. ground when you arrived home! At one point during our China trip, someone else in our travel group picked up our bag with all of the adoption papers. Even though I cried and cried until it was located, I tried to remember that if the Lord had brought us this far to bring Ellie home, he was going to accomplish his work! I just wanted to let you know that it took me about 4 weeks for everything to feel "normal." Ellie had her days and nights mixed up for about 2 weeks. We will keep your family in our prayers.

Amy said...

I am so sorry - it really does pay to stay late at the hotel - glad we did that. We still had to wait in that awful lounge with no A/C. Anyways....these stories will be meaningful one day :) So glad you are home and hoping things will calm down for you! So sorry you had to endure all that stress!

Kristi W. said...

Happy Birthday to Cole!!! I loved the homecoming pics you posted. You have a beautiful family!!! :)

You are definitely in the trenches...I remember wondering during the first week or two of being home if life would ever calm down and if I'd ever feel normal again. Somewhere down the road things will fall into place and you'll be rested again. Hang in there!

:)Kristi W.

Nannette said...

Mark was so laid back and calm in class that I would not have imagined he had such a day yesterday! Congrats on your new son and Happy Birthday to Cole. My grand-daughter has her birthday in a few more days. She will be approximately 3 years old give or take a month or two. My daughter and son-in-law got her in Vietnam and they had something of the same experiences you had with paperwork and having to travel all over the place. But their main concern was they might get caught in Hong Kong during Tet and they had been told airports and everything shut down several days at Tet. Glad you are home and have Cole with you.

Peter and Nancy said...

Oh man . . . what an adventure. Gulp. Adoption is not for the faint of heart! I'm doubly glad your trip is successfully completed, and Cole is home at last.

I thought I was losing my mind during the jet lag, sleep deprivation, going from two to three kids adjustment. Every day will get a little easier, until you feel like you've reached the new normal. A few moms I knew told me "three kids will feel like a LOT more than two . . ." Boy were they right!

I hope some better sleep is on the horizon!
Hugs to you,